17 Rod Oram: it’s Business NOT as usual

April 15 2020

My opening line to  Rod Oram  was “well, it’s been interesting times since we last talked at the end of January!”. Since  Episode 12  Rod has biked himself around Aotearoa and we’ve had a virus. I promised you I’d do an annual interview with him on the state of the nation, but as Rod’s spent the past month investigating the impact of Covid-19 on our economic and business spheres, the time for another chat is now. Thanks Rod for generously sharing your insights on our response to this event in a global context – after a listen here you can read more about it in his recent series of  Newsroom columns.

This episode is a little over 52 minutes long, so here’s a few cheat times so you can skip to certain bits if you’re interested in his thoughts on a particular question I asked him:

Q | How do you see things unfolding around the globe with this outbreak health-wise?

Q | How do you see the economic impact rolling out globally as we stand today?

Q | Where does the Reserve Bank get its cash from?

Q | How would you rate the job our Governor of the Reserve Bank is doing right now?

Q | What are your concerns around our inbound/outbound supply chains going forward?

Q | What are the things we need to be working on as a nation as we move forward?

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